Devkit Specifications

SparkFun Electronics
Passive Infrared (PIR) sensors are great for detecting motion in a small area around the sensor. The 170µA SparkFun EKMC4607112K Qwiic PIR uses an EKM-series PIR sensor from Panasonic® paired with an ATTiny84 to interact with it using I2C with the Qwiic system. The EKM-series PIR sensors are optimized for small movements to offer motion-sensing options for continuously powered applications.
PIR sensors do not return specific distance data but instead monitor for IR light coming from objects in their field of view and will activate their signal when motion is detected in their sensing area, making them perfect for applications such as turning devices on automatically when motion is detected. Applications include home and building automation for energy saving, automated on/off lighting control, security, appliances, and IoT.
Item | Specification |
Chip | ATTiny84 |
Compute | N/A |
Memory | N/A |
I/O and Peripherals | N/A |
Wireless | N/A |
Software | Arduino Python |