System Applications Engineering Manager

Analog Devices

Applications engineering manager with 20 years experience in a leading-edge semiconductor technology environment. Strategic responsibility in definition and driving adoption of new products, using heterogeneous integration of core technology to meet customers needs in high performance instrumentation and industrial measurement applications.

Articles 1 - 2
Analog & Power

Maximize the Performance of Your Sigma-Delta ADC Driver - Blog

November 15, 2019

The design of the amplifier stage consists of two different stages related between them, so the problem becomes difficult to model mathematically, especially due to the nonlinearity.

AI & Machine Learning

Making Sense of Sounds: How AI Can Boost Your Machine Uptime - Blog

November 12, 2019

A machine health monitoring system enables "computer hearing," which allows a computer to make sense of leading indicators of a machine?s behavior: sound and vibration.

Articles 1 - 2