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Digital Transformation And its Role In IoT Sustainability Through Energy Harvesting - Blog
October 04, 2022With the world undoubtedly facing many vast environmental and ecological challenges, we must find a way to use alternatives such as energy-efficient low-power computation techniques. To minimize the energy demands of IoT devices, however, the use of energy harvesting techniques has gained much prominence.
Introduction to Web of Things (WoT): Here’s Everything You Need to Know - Story
January 20, 2022If you are a beginner in the latest technologies, you would have heard of the terms ‘internet of things' and ‘web of things.’ Most people have a fair idea of them. However, the latter is still a developing field, and many don’t know much about it.
10 Programming Languages for IoT Development In 2021 - Blog
June 22, 2021With the onset of Industry 4.0, self-driving cars, connected devices, home automation systems, and wearable health gears, comes the increasing demand for IoT-based applications.