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Software & OS

Back to Basics: Selling Software - Blog

August 26, 2024

In our last article, we talked about licensing, open source, and how to protect your code. Now that we know how to properly open up our code to the world, it’s time to figure out how you could theoretically make a profit from it.

Open Source

Back to Basics: Licensing and Open Source - Blog

August 19, 2024

For almost as long as software has existed, the question of free software and open source has been contested. Many developers align themselves with the ideology that all software should be free to access, modify, and redistribute under the banner of open source.

Software & OS

Back to Basics: Getting Cozy With Your BIOS and OS - Blog

August 05, 2024

We’ve come a long way in our journey through your computer. Today we’ll be ending that journey by discussing some of the firmware and software that helps your computer run.


Back to Basics: Getting Cozy With Your Transistors and Clocks - Blog

July 12, 2024

In our last article, we talked about the core components that make your computer… well, compute — the CPU/GPU, RAM, and hard drive. So, now it’s time to move on to some of the more niche hardware concepts.

Networking & 5G

TSN Promises to Keep Your Time-Critical Data On-Track - Story

June 14, 2024

Time-Sensitive Networking, better known as TSN in the embedded community, is the IEEE 802.1Q defined standard technology that provides deterministic messaging over standard Ethernet networks.

Networking & 5G

Hitting the Moving Target with Time Sensitive Networking: An Industry Collaboration on Risk Mitigation - Whitepaper

June 13, 2024

Mission-critical systems increasingly rely on Ethernet connectivity between modules or devices.


Back to Basics: Getting Cozy With Your Hardware - Blog

May 15, 2024

In our last article, we covered the differences between hardware, software, and firmware. Today we’re going to take a deeper dive into the different pieces of common hardware and how they make your computer work.

Software & OS

Back to Basics: Getting Cozy With Your Computer - Blog

May 01, 2024

We live in a digital world, surrounded by computers. We do our work on computers, we shop on computers, we carry computers around in our pockets, on our wrists, and even now, you’re reading this article on a computer.

Software & OS

Back to Basics: Learning a New Language, Software Edition (Obviously) - Story

March 13, 2024

Software surrounds us everyday, but for many of us, it’s a nebulous concept. Lots of people probably think of The Matrix with its scrolling green text, or of hackers in dark basements creating mysterious series of zeroes and ones to be used for whatever nefarious purposes.

Software & OS

Back to Basics: Decoding Binary (It’s Not as Hard as it Looks) - Story

March 06, 2024

For most people, binary is a mystifying concept of nonsensical zeroes and ones, the understanding of which is reserved for computer nerds and the computers they use. Well, today you join their ranks!