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Suite 125
Santa Clara, CA 95054
Articles related to EdgeQ
Networking & 5G

Embedded Executive: Paul Stager, Director of Engineering, EdgeQ - Podcast

January 18, 2023

5G brings a lot of promise to the embedded space, in addition to many other spaces. This week’s Embedded Executives podcast guest knows far more about 5G than most people.

Networking & 5G

EdgeQ and Vodafone Partner on World’s First 5G/4G Software Defined, In-Line L1 Acceleration-based Open RAN Platform - News

November 01, 2022

SANTA CLARA, CA – EdgeQ Inc and Vodafone have partnered on the development of next-generation, software-programmable 5G ORAN platforms to deliver the world’s first open programmable and fully in-line acceleration card that will support multi-carrier MIMO and address macro cell deployments by converging a 4G and 5G Physical layer onto a single card.