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Software & OS

LabVIEW NXG brings back ease of use to configuration-based software programming - Video

May 26, 2017

Software development platforms like LabVIEW are faced with simplifying programming for a range of embedded applications and use cases, which inevitably requires the inclusion of many industry-specific


Ease of Use, Ethernet help National Instruments address the range of IIoT applications - Video

May 26, 2017

Kyle Voosen, Senior Business Segment Manager for Physical Test Systems and Industrial IoT at National Instruments is responsible for hardware and software tools that support a range of Industrial IoT


Thermal management techniques extend automotive ECU's reliability - Other

July 13, 2015

It's ironic, when you think about it. Jack Kilby, inventor of the first integrated circuit, was driven to do so, in part, to find a way to replace the...


Smart implementations and innovations of embedded technology at Embedded World 2015 - Other

March 04, 2015

As I stepped off the plane onto the familiar Nuremberg tarmac, my mind leapt back 12 months to the weary despondency I'd struggled to shake when my fe...


Why use industrial standards? Reliability and verifiability - Other

October 01, 2014

Embedded platforms are succumbing to the lure of low cost, often commercial, poor quality alternatives that contradict the very foundations of embedde...