Rohde & Schwarz
Columbia, MD 21046 [email protected]

Pre-Compliance Testing is a Must: Embedded Executive, Rohde & Schwarz - Podcast
April 24, 2024Pre-compliance testing is a phenomenon that should be a no-brainer, but for lots of reasons—none of them good—it’s not always done. When you’re doing a design that requires RF and you don’t do the testing, you’re really asking for trouble. That goes double for a product that’s going to ship into multiple geographies. To understand how this process should occur, I spoke to Paul Denisowski, a Product Management Engineer at Rohde & Schwarz, on this week’s Embedded Executives podcast.
Rohde & Schwarz Presents Test Solutions for Embedded Systems - News
April 22, 2024Rohde & Schwarz offers comprehensive test and measurement solutions to meet the challenges of diverse consumer electronics, telecommunications, industrial, medical, automotive, and aerospace applications, which must align with today’s efficiency, safety, reliability, and interoperability requirements.
Eight-channel R&S MXO 5 Oscilloscopes - News
October 31, 2023Munich, Germany. Rohde & Schwarz released its four or eight channel R&S MXO 5 oscilloscopes built on Rohde & Schwarz’s next-generation MXO-EP processing ASIC technology ensuring more signal activity in both time and frequency domains over competing oscilloscopes. The eight-channel R&S MXO 5 oscilloscope is the first of its kind with 4.5 million acquisitions and 18 million waveforms per second across multiple channels.
Rohde & Schwarz Delivers Security Scanners on the Fly - News
July 06, 2023After the pandemic, an employee shortage was disabling Amsterdam Schiphol Airport’s process of quickly moving passengers through security lines. To rectify the situation, the airport installed R&S QPS201 security scanners to keep up with its post-COVID traveler inundation. The R&S QPS201 delivers speedier and more comfortable individual screening, lowering the need for invasive pat-downs.
The Solve: Debug Infrequent Events with R&S MXO 4 ‘Scopes - Story
January 20, 2023Failure to identify infrequent events when debugging waveforms can cost engineering teams a lot of time and money later in the development cycle.
CES 2023: Rohde & Schwarz Presents Automotive Radar and Ultra-Wideband Testing Solutions - News
December 28, 2022At CES 2023 in Las Vegas, from January 5 to January 8, 2023, in West Hall at booth 6757, Rohde & Schwarz will be showcasing a variety of automotive radar and ultra-wideband testing solutions.
A Robot-Based RF Automotive Testing Platform from Rohde & Schwarz and Löhnert Elektronik - News
December 20, 2022Löhnert Elektronik and Rohde & Schwarz released an automated turnkey system for bumper production radar transparency testing established on its R&S QAR50. The announced R&S QAR50-R enables direct positioning of measurement antennas for quick, precise, and accessible testing.