NIWeek Video Demo: LabVIEW NXG brings back ease of use to configuration-based software programming
May 31, 2017
Software development platforms like LabVIEW are faced with simplifying programming for a range of embedded applications and use cases, which inevitabl...
Software development platforms like LabVIEW are faced with simplifying programming for a range of embedded applications and use cases, which inevitably requires the inclusion of many industry-specific features and functions. Now more than 30 years in the making, this has resulted in a development environment that, while intended to simplify software programming, cannot be underestimated.
To remediate this, National Instruments unveiled LabVIEW NXG at NIWeek 2017, a next-generation version of LabVIEW that goes back to basics for scientists and engineers with little to no programming ability. Using a CompactDAQ chassis, vibration sensors, and LabVIEW NXG, Jeff Phillips, Section Manager for the Software Platform Market at NI demonstrates just how easy graphical programming can be.