Crossing the Wide-Bandgap in the Electric Vehicle Market
September 04, 2020

Are electric cars actually better for the environment, and do the majority of buyers really care? Brandon and Rich debate the subject and more in this edition of the embedded insiders.
In the early 2000s GM stopped their electric car project. They weren’t cool. In comes Tesla who made the electric car a popular concept. But is the “cool factor” the biggest factor in electric car sales these days? Are electric cars actually better for the environment, and do the majority of buyers really care? Brandon and Rich debate the subject and more in this edition of the embedded insiders.
Later, the Insiders are joined by Frede Blaabjerg, an esteemed professor of power electronics and drives at Aalborg University in Denmark. The three discuss the current state of the power industry and what the future looks like. Power will play a big role in the electric vehicle industry, but just how big?