Empowering Next-Generation Automotive Wireless Systems Using Advanced Test Solutions
December 03, 2019

Cars, Buses, and Trucks are at the focal point of every major technological trend today, from advanced wide-bandgap semiconductors to the latest Cloud-enabled functionalities.
Cars, Buses, and Trucks are at the focal point of every major technological trend today, from advanced wide-bandgap semiconductors to the latest Cloud-enabled functionalities. Intelligent and connected cars are becoming the most sophisticated mobile clients within the Internet of Things (IoT). However, this confluence of various technologies also means that system designers are challenged with the task of proper system integration in an evolving and shifting technology and regulatory environment.
Advanced test and measurement devices, software, and procedures are critical to ensuring a design can properly operate in the real world. Advanced test solutions help verify designs to ensure operation of these advanced systems, like automotive radar or passenger infotainment systems. Ensuring the optimal functionality of all the aspects of an intelligent vehicle demands due diligence, and exploration of all the ramifications of the inter-related subsystems involved.
It is important to collect data on wireless characteristics under actual operating conditions. Quantifying real cabin wireless characteristics helps prevent post-shipment problems, while boosting product confidence. Wireless systems often suffer from connection problems due to various factors. This presentation will cover the various systems involved in advanced vehicle systems, and how advanced test solutions ensure the optimal performance of these RF systems in the finished product.
Join us for our Empowering Next-Generation Automotive Wireless Systems Using Advanced Test Solutions webcast, sponsored by Anritsu, on Dec. 12, at 2 p.m. est.