SmartDV Leads Industry with Greatest Number of Design and Verification MIPI Protocol Standards Solutions for Mobile Applications
August 03, 2021
Press Release

MIPI IP Portfolio Includes Design IP, Verification IP, Hardware Emulation and FPGA Prototyping Models, Post Silicon Validation IP.
SmartDV™ Technologies, the leader in Design and Verification Intellectual Property (IP), today announced the greatest number of commercially available Design and Verification IP solutions to support the MIPI protocol standards for mobile and other critical applications.
The SmartDV portfolio has approximately 50 MIPI IP solutions, including Design IP, Verification IP, hardware emulation and FPGA prototyping models and post silicon validation IP.
"MIPI is the most important interface specification for mobile and mobile-influenced applications," comments Deepak Kumar Tala, managing director of SmartDV. "SmartDV takes an active role in the MIPI Alliance to make sure we deliver high-quality IP that meets the standards spec and help our customers differentiate their products."
Active participation in the MIPI Alliance gives SmartDV early access to specifications and ensures it has the latest updates about new and emerging standards. Its in-house proprietary compiler produces IP to meet MIPI standards and can rapidly deliver customized derivatives based on customer requests. This highly automated IP development and verification flow allows SmartDV to be the first to market with its MIPI products.
For more information, visit SmartDV.