Executive Vice President

Embedded Computing Design

Richard Nass’ key responsibilities include setting the direction for all aspects of OSM’s ECD portfolio, including digital, print, and live events. Previously, Nass was the Brand Director for Design News. Prior, he led the content team for UBM’s Medical Devices Group, and all custom properties and events. Nass has been in the engineering OEM industry for more than 30 years. In prior stints, he led the Content Team at EE Times, Embedded.com, and TechOnLine. Nass holds a BSEE degree from NJIT.

Articles 741 - 760

Five Minutes With Steve Sanghi, CEO, Microchip Technology - Video

December 02, 2015

Microchip has very much been in the news lately, mostly for two feats. One is the acquisition of Micrel, and the second is the completion of 100 consecutive quarters of profitability. In my interview

Software & OS

Five Minutes With Ted Miracco, CEO, SmartFlow Compliance Solutions - Video

November 25, 2015

SmartFlow is focused on software piracy, trying to keep software company's IP from being used without the consent of their owner. There are many categories of "pirates," ranging from soft pirates, tho


I experienced the full spectrum of technology in a weekend - Other

November 24, 2015

I was recently exposed to the two extremes of technology over matter of days. First, at a family gathering, I spoke with a cousin who works for a comp...

Software & OS

Five Minutes With Tim Teitelbaum, GrammaTech CEO - Video

November 18, 2015

GrammaTech is involved in Cyber Grand Challenge, a two-year contest run by DARPA, with a grand prize of $2,000,000 (that's a lot of zeros!). The contest started with 124 teams, and they're now down to


Five Minutes With Asher Levy, CEO, Orbotech - Video

November 11, 2015

Orbotech claims tat "nearly every device in the world uses Orbotech technology." Really? That's the exact question I posed to Asher Levy, the company's CEO. Hear his response in this week's installmen


Five Minutes With Asher Levy, CEO, Orbotech - Video

November 11, 2015

Orbotech claims tat "nearly every device in the world uses Orbotech technology." Really? That's the exact question I posed to Asher Levy, the company's CEO. Hear his response in this week's installmen


Five Minutes With Timothy Saxe, Sr. VP/CTO, QuickLogic - Video

November 04, 2015

QuickLogic designs ICs for wearable space, an area that is quite crowded. As I learned in my Five Minutes With... segment with Timothy Saxe, the company's Senior VP and CTO, they aim to separate thems


Applying big data to real-world applications - Other

October 30, 2015

I recently had the opportunity to meet with Seth DeLand, a data analytics product manager for The MathWorks. Here are the results of that conversation...


Five Minutes With Larry Wall, CEO, Eurotech - Video

October 28, 2015

Eurotech designs the building blocks for Industrial IoT systems. You've heard that one before. They're one of many (emphasis on "many") companies in this arena. In this Five Minutes With…segment, I as


Five Minutes With Larry Wall, CEO, Eurotech - Video

October 28, 2015

Eurotech designs the building blocks for Industrial IoT systems. You've heard that one before. They're one of many (emphasis on "many") companies in this arena. In this Five Minutes With…segment, I as

Open Source

Renesas adopts the policies of another industry giant: Apple - Other

October 22, 2015

It's no secret that I've been somewhat critical of the Renesas Synergy platform. The company has gone out of its way to ensure a great experience for...

Analog & Power

Five Minutes With Michel Desbard, CEO of Crocus Technology - Video

October 21, 2015

Magnetic sensors let you detect and measure current. That part is obvious. What you may not know is that they can be used to help control apps in your consumer electronics, including PCs, smart phones


Five Minutes With Michel Desbard, CEO of Crocus Technology - Video

October 21, 2015

Magnetic sensors let you detect and measure current. That part is obvious. What you may not know is that they can be used to help control apps in your consumer electronics, including PCs, smart phones


Five Minutes With James Lewis, CEO, Redux Labs - Video

October 14, 2015

Redux Labs offers technology to enable speakerless audio. With the platforms getting smaller and smaller these days, removing the speakers is a huge space savings. But do you give up quality (or somet


Five Minutes With James Lewis, CEO, Redux Labs - Video

October 14, 2015

Redux Labs offers technology to enable speakerless audio. With the platforms getting smaller and smaller these days, removing the speakers is a huge space savings. But do you give up quality (or somet

Debug & Test

Oh no! I knew I shouldn't have left the RF for last - Other

October 14, 2015

Years ago, when portable systems were just starting to become in vogue, designers didn't have power management in the front of their minds. They'd gen...


Five Minutes With Scott Hanson, CTO, Ambiq Micro - Video

October 07, 2015

Ambiq Micro has developed a technology they call SPOT, which stands for Subthreshold Power Optimized Technology. This technology, which company CTYO explains in layman's terms, is enabling enhanced fe


Five Minutes With Scott Hanson, CTO, Ambiq Micro - Video

October 07, 2015

Ambiq Micro has developed a technology they call SPOT, which stands for Subthreshold Power Optimized Technology. This technology, which company CTYO explains in layman's terms, is enabling enhanced fe

Software & OS

Get an education in writing secure code - right from your desk - Other

October 06, 2015

Last week, I was involved with a half-day of education that covered the topic of how, why, when, and where to write secure code. The attendees came aw...

Analog & Power

Five Minutes With Thomas Stockmeier, COO ams - Video

September 30, 2015

There are now more companies involved in the IoT space than I can count, and the number grows on a daily basis. Hence, each one of those companies, assuming they want to prosper, has to have an edge,

Articles 741 - 760