Silicon Labs

Silicon Labs Delivered Opening Keynote at embedded world North America - News
October 22, 2024Austin, Texas. Silicon Labs delivered the opening keynote for the inaugural embedded world North America. CEO Matt Johnson and CTO Daniel Cooley discussed how AI is innovating IoT, while also highlighting the company's upcoming Series 3 platform.
Silicon Labs Delivers ew North America Keynote and Much More - News
October 14, 2024Silicon Labs attended the inaugural embedded world North America exhibition and delivered an opening keynote from CEO Matt Johnson and CTO Daniel Cooley conferring how AI is driving innovation in IoT, while noting the expertise of the company's growing Series 2 platform and upcoming Series 3 platform.
embedded world North America: 2024 Best in Show Winners - Story
October 07, 2024All entries are judged using a 15-point rubric, that assesses design excellence, relative performance, and market impact/disruption. Judging is managed by the ECD Content Team.
embedded world North America 2024: Best in Show Honorable Mention - Story
October 07, 2024All entries are judged using a 15-point rubric, that assesses design excellence, relative performance, and market impact/disruption. Judging is managed by the ECD Content Team.
Must-Attend Keynotes at the embedded world North America Conference - Blog
September 23, 2024The embedded systems landscape is ever-evolving and various industry professionals eagerly await embedded world North America 2024.
Silicon Labs Will Deliver Opening Keynote at embedded world North America - News
August 16, 2024Austin, Texas. Silicon Labs will deliver the opening keynote at embedded world North America held from October 8-10, 2024, at the Austin Convention Center. It will also present its own Works With 2024 global series of developer conferences. "Gathering the greatest minds in our space to shape the future of IoT and embedded innovation is a rare and powerful opportunity," said Silicon Labs CEO Matt Johnson. "We're excited to host these crucial conversations in our own backyard while also expanding the presence of Works With. With our participation in the embedded world North America event in Austin and our now-in-person Works With global series, we're connecting with the embedded community like never before."
DevTalk with Rich and Vin (and SiLabs CEO) - Podcast
May 24, 2024In this episode of DevTalk with Rich (Nass) and Vin (D’Agostino), Matt Johnson, the CEO of Silicon Labs joins us. It’s a lively discussion, starting in rural Maine, and ending with “Should engineers be concerned that AI will take their jobs?” Listen in for some interesting responses.