Big Data enables preventative healthcare
February 09, 2017

Big Data is here and over the last few years it’s begun to become more and more prominent within our society. We seem to be tracking everything and making predictions based on the data we collate....
Big Data is here and over the last few years it’s begun to become more and more prominent within our society. We seem to be tracking everything and making predictions based on the data we collate. We’ve become more analytical, more interested in the facts and figures, and more interested in how we can use data to improve the way we do business. This is especially true in healthcare. Big Data is not only used in healthcare to reduce waste and maximize financial gain – it’s also being used to help us predict trends that can eventually lead to reduction in illnesses, better quality treatment, and the avoidance of death.
There are several companies across the world that provide M2M SIM cards that are aimed at connecting devices, but what Big Data is trying to do in healthcare is connect people. Yes, people may become connected through wearables and monitoring equipment, but at the end of the day it’s people who we’re trying to help through IoT.
The fact that the world’s population is rapidly growing and people are living to a much older age is evidence that the healthcare industry is progressing. Big Data is playing a pivotal role in this. Healthcare patients are now being treated using the processes that rely on IoT from a young age. This allows doctors and other healthcare professionals to pinpoint any problematic signs so early on that they never become a real issue. As we venture into the future, the new technology that we have available will continue to grow and develop, allowing for more preventative care and reducing occurrences of illness.
Monitoring and collating data to physically treat patients, Big Data has played a huge role in the development of pharmaceuticals. Over the last 10 years or so, pharmaceutical companies have been aggregating years of research and development data to find gaps in the market for new remedies. The advancement in treatment options, available drugs and improved insight means that healthcare as we once knew it is no more. We now live in a world where things are data driven and there is very little left to chance.