MICROEJ VEE Now Supports Microchip SAM MCUs
May 12, 2020

MicroEJ announced the availability of its standard virtualization technology for Microchip Technology's 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) product line.
MicroEJ announced the availability of its standard virtualization technology supported by Microchip's 32-bit microcontroller (MCU) product line. MicroEJ's flagship Virtual Execution Environment (VEE), utilizes the Total System Solutions vision shared by both companies, providing a market ready solution for MCUs and software integration.
MICROEJ technology for Microchip MCUs provides open source libraries for UI/UX, wired and wireless communication, security, and automation.
Starting with the SAM E7x MCU product line, MICROEJ VEE enables binary software components capitalization and reuse across the Microchip portfolio made of heterogeneous cores (microApti, ARM Cortex-M0+, ARM Cortex-M23, M4K, ARM Cortex-M4, ARM Cortex-M7). It enables secure APP-minded sandboxed software designs, leveraging the MicroEJ binary software application store, MICROEJ Forge. MICROEJ Forge administers software asset life cycles (prepare, register, publish, deliver, etc.).
MICROEJ Forge’s safety feature, a binary software checker, validates that the software is threat-free and is binary compatible with the rest of the application it will be linked to, before any software distribution.
For more information, visit: https://www.microej.com/