Keysight Technologies Introduces New Suite of End-to-End Solutions for O-RAN Vendors, Mobile Operators
January 28, 2021

Keysight Technologies introduced a new suite of end-to-end solutions that enables an ecosystem of O-RAN vendors and mobile operators to verify interoperability, performance, conformance, and security of multi-vendor 5G networks based on O-RAN standard interfaces.
Keysight’s Open RAN Architecture, named KORA, offers solutions to accelerate development, integration, and deployment of O-RAN compliant equipment. The suite was designed for supply chain workflow that is compiled of chipset makers, network equipment manufacturers (NEMs), mobile operators, and open test and integration centers (OTIC).
According to the company, the portfolio covers both 3GPP and O-RAN testing and is segmented to support the following key stakeholders:
Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) – Chip Designer Suite
Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) – NEM Suite
Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) – Operator Suite
Keysight Open RAN Architect (KORA) – OTIC Suite
Further, KORA includes Open RAN Studio, UeSIM, RuSIM, CoreSIM, DuSIM, CuSIM, RIC Test, ATI Pentest, CyPerf, Breaking Point, Vision Edge, IxNetwork, CloudPeak, and Nemo Outdoor.
The company joined the O-RAN Alliance after its inception.
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