New E-PEAS Ultra-Efficient Battery Chargers Target Wearable, Medical, and Smart Sensor Products
July 19, 2021

E-PEAS has unveiled a new family of battery charger devices for streamlined power management solutions designed for energy harvesting hardware.
The AEM10900, AEM10300, and AEM30300 are fully dedicated to the charging function, and allows them to be employed in situations that need a simpler implementation where space and cost constraints are a concern.
Theses PMICs can achieve zero quiescent current draw from the battery - meaning that if energy harvesting stops for a prolonged period, the energy stored into the battery will not be wasted supplying the PMIC.
The AEM10900 PMIC boost converter is enhanced for solar-based energy harvesting implementations. Through its power point tracking (MPPT) functionality, specially set for objects in movement, this device can ensure that it gets the most energy from the ambient light provided.
The AEM10900 has a 250mV cold start capability and introduces an I2C interface to minimize the pin count and to offer a larger set of potential configurations.
AEM10300 and AEM30300 PMICs both have built-in ultra-low power DC/DC converters supporting operation over an input voltage range that covers 100mV to 4.5V. Utilizing an adaptive energy management system, these devices automatically switch between boost, buck-boost and buck operational configurations as are necessary.
Ideal applications from this PMIC will be wearable consumer products as well as body-worn medical monitoring equipment.
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