Real Time Locating from Dialog Semiconductor and Carnival Cruises
September 07, 2021

Dialog Semiconductor announced a partnership with Carnival Corporation to integrate Dialog’s Wireless Ranging (WiRa) technology into Carnival’s OceanMedallion wearable devices for proximity-based locating.
This tool will help to ensure passenger safety and offer enhanced cruise services.
The Medallion device connects passengers to its Experience Internet of Things (xIoT) intelligent, shipboard ecosystem.
• According to the company, the wearable elevates the guest experience by:
• Enabling touchless embarkation
• Enabling touchless disembarkation
• Frictionless commerce
• Keyless stateroom entry
• Service on demand
• Dynamic way-finding
• Family and friends locator
• First-run movies on the go
• An interactive events and activities planner
• Interactive fun
With new regulations involving COVID-19, the Princess is utilizing Dialog’s WiRa technology to enable higher accuracy ranging between Medallions. This will improve the company’s ability to protect passengers from exposure to infection.
Dialog’s WiRa technology offers phase-based ranging performance approaching UWB (ultra-wideband) accuracy. The WiRa technology uses lower power, has an extended battery life, and is a lower solution cost with advanced and proprietary algorithms to deliver superior operation.
The WiRa is built for ships constructed from steel. In steel ships, the wireless signals are easily reflected and can cause errors in distance estimation and require advanced, multipath cancellation techniques.
To apply WiRa and advanced multipath cancellation, Carnival turned to Dialog’s well acclaimed DA14697 Bluetooth LE SoC. The DA1469x family offers the highest integration while also providing optimum processing performance.
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