PikeOS with Certification-Kits for High Safety Levels
February 11, 2021

The latest version of SYSGO's hypervisor-based real-time operating system PikeOS is suitable for use in systems and applications with high demands on functional safety.
Automotive systems can now be certified to ISO 26262 ASIL D with the latest version of PikeOS. Also, railway applications are now able to achieve high safety levels, according to EN 50128 SIL4 and the new railway standard EN 50657 SIL4. A new certification kit for IEC 61508 SIL3 for industrial applications is also available. All certification kits support the ARMv8 platform with hardware virtualization.
Each certification kit contains a standard-compliant PikeOS hypervisor, as well as a comprehensive documentation aid for development and testing. Furthermore, additional security and safety information can be provided in order to achieve critical system configurations that conform to the required industry standard. An important part of these certification kits is a safety manual with guidelines for the use of PikeOS in safety-critical system designs. The kits contain a case study with characteristic functional safety requirements according to the corresponding Safety Integrity Levels (SIL / ASIL). In addition to those, SYSGO supports the development and certification of critical embedded systems with consulting services.
For more information visit: www.sysgo.com