SYSGO's PikeOS Reaches CC Level EAL5+ Security Certification
November 16, 2022

Klein-Winternheim, Germany. SYSGO's Separation Kernel PikeOS 5.1.3, a MILS based (Multiple Independent Levels of Security) real-time operating system and hypervisor, received security accreditation standard Common Criteria (CC), ISO 15408. SYSGO achieved level EAL 5+, based on its application processor architectures (ARMv8, x86-64 and PPC). The PikeOs was devised semi formally and verified against intricate vulnerabilities.
The PikeOS features the ability to separate spatial and temporal partitions, develop regulated control information flow, access to control and availability of resources, intrusion detection, data protection, and more.
"The PikeOS real-time operating system and hypervisor provide our customers with one of the highest levels of security achievable for embedded operating systems and hypervisor technology. Whether to reinforce the in-depth cybersecurity of embedded systems subject to other constraints like safety, or to leverage on the strong security properties of PikeOS for cybersecurity embedded devices handling various security level of data, PikeOS is a unique choice to accelerate the definition of the security architecture and the compliancy to various security standards. Moving towards cybersecured execution platforms, SYSGO also provide a comprehensive set of additional security features like secure boot, Trusted Execution Environment, Intrusion Detection Systems or Secure routing capability," said Etienne Butery, CEO of SYSGO.
Use cases for the PikeOS include:
- Secure gateway
- Secure connectivity
- Over the air (OTA) software updates
- Data Protection
- Secure routers
Ideal applications include:
- IoT-connected cars
- Construction and agricultural machines
- Trains
- Airplanes
- Drones of any autonomy level
- Defense
- Automotive
- Medical
- Industrial
- Space sector
More information about PikeOS,