CES 2017: BlackBerry QNX SDP 7.0 drives automotive ECU consolidation forward
January 11, 2017
Embedded Computing Design
CES 2017: BlackBerry QNX SDP 7.0 drives automotive ECU consolidation forward
The consolidation of automotive electronic control units (ECUs), at least into fewer high-level domain controllers, has obvious benefits for next-generation automotive designs in terms of cost, vehicle weight, and power consumption. This is driving auto manufacturers to begin evaluating 64-bit processors for their upcoming production vehicles, and in some cases looking to maximize the benefits of consolidation by running multiple systems on the same chip. Of course, this introduces the possibility of safety-critical systems (such as a digital instrument cluster) running on the same hardware as non-safety-critical systems (such as an infotainment platform), requiring strict isolation of the two. At CES 2017, Grant Courville, Senior Director of Product Management at BlackBerry QNX takes Embedded Computing Design Technology Editor Brandon Lewis on a tour of how the company's newest operating system, the QNX Software Development Platform 7.0 (QNX SDP 7.0), is able to harness the power of 64-bit SoCs through an automotive-grade hypervisor and virtualization techniques to safeguard the cluster while the infotainment system goes offline – all while supporting the latest in in-vehicle infotainment (IVI) and safety features.
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