CISSOID & Silicon Mobility Announce Partnership for Compact & Efficient SiC Inverters for New Energy Vehicles
December 09, 2021

CISSOID and Silicon Mobility announced the integration of Silicon Mobility's OLEA FPCU controller with CISSOID's Silicon Carbide (SiC) Intelligent Power Module (IPM) platform. This new highly integrated platform is designed to accelerate the development of compact and efficient SiC Inverters for EV motor drives.
The partnership will deliver a SiC Inverter modular platform offering highly integrated hardware and optimized software: a power module and its gate driver with protections and fault management, an ultra-fast FPCU controller and its application software optimized for e-motor control. CISSOID's IPMs integrate a 3-Phase 1200V/340A-550A SiC MOSFET Power Module with a temperature-robust gate driver enabling low switching losses and high power density. Silicon Mobility's OLEA FPCU controller and OLEA APP INVERTER software are designed to enable fast and highly efficient electric motor control.
"Silicon Mobility ultra-fast OLEA FPCU is the perfect technology to control our SiC IPM platform in motor drive applications," says Pierre Delatte, CTO of CISSOID. "The capability of SiC power modules to switch faster and to operate at higher frequencies makes it essential to have access to a controller technology capable of running real-time algorithms faster. OLEA FPCU low power consumption is also a key advantage in building highly compact and efficient traction inverters".
The resulting SiC Inverter platform is planned to be made available for customers by early Q2-2022.
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