CAEN 730 Digitizer Family
January 22, 2019

500 MS/s,14-bit resolution, 8/16 inputs
The 730 is a family of CAEN Waveform Digitizer able to perform basic waveform recording and run online advanced algorithms (DPP) for digital pulse processing: charge integration and pulse shape discrimination with constant fraction timing, pulse height analysis, zero-length encoding, and dynamic acquisition window. The wide selection of DPP algorithms supported by this family makes the 730 a “must-have”.
Data is read by a Flash ADC, 14-bit resolution and 500 MS/s sampling rate, which is well suited for mid fast signals. The acquisition can be channel independent and it is possible to make coincidence/anti-coincidence logic among different channels and external veto/gating.
Multiple boards can be synchronized to build up complex systems. In case of DPP mode, data can be saved in time-stamped list mode to support higher input rates and improving the throughput performances. Piled-up events can be rejected or saved for offline analysis. The acquisition in DPP mode is fully controlled by the CoMPASS software, which manage the algorithm parameters, build the plots and saves the relevant energy, time, and PSD spectra. In case of waveform recording mode, the user can take advantage of the CAENScope and WaveDump software to access and save the waveforms. Libraries and demo software in C and LabView are available for integration and customization of specific acquisition systems.
730 family comes in three form factors: VME (16 or 8 input channels), NIM (8 input channels) and Desktop (8 input channels). The communication to and from the board is provided through the following interfaces: USB (Desktop and NIM form factors), VMEbus (VME form factor), and Optical Link (all form factors).