Microchip Technology Inc. Releases Three New Maxtouch Touchscreen Controllers
June 28, 2019

maXTouch? TD family of touchscreen controllers significantly increases signal-to-noise ratio in nine- to 20-inch touchscreens.
Microchip Technology Inc. released three new maXTouch® touchscreen controllers and optimization services with a new differential mutual signal acquisition process that raises the Signal-to-Noise Ratio (SNR).
The MXT1067TD, MXT1189TD and MXT1665TD devices enhance nine- to 13-inch automotive touchscreens and are compatible with the recently-launched MXT449TD, MXT641TD, MXT2113TD and MXT2912TD devices supporting up to 20-inch touchscreens. Each device is designed to meet the requirements of the Automotive SPICE Level 3 capability and ISO 26262 Automotive Safety Integrity Level (ASIL) B.
“Our approach to automotive touchscreens greatly simplifies and reduces design times, allowing developers to use the same design environment and product features for various sizes, use cases, different cover lens materials and thicknesses across vehicle models,” said Microchip’s VP of Human Machine Interface business unit, Fanie Duvenhage. “Microchip’s devices are supported by eight dedicated application and sensor design centers around the world to help customers with configurations dependent on everything from screen size and aspect ratio to the type and provider of the display and the architecture of the complete stack-up.”
Learn more at www.microchip.com.