CAN and CANopen online seminars
June 22, 2020
Press Release

CAN in Automation has scheduled web-based CAN and CANopen seminars to increase attendees safety in times of the coronavirus.
CAN in Automation has scheduled web-based CAN and CANopen seminars to increase attendees safety in times of the coronavirus. They provide in a compact format the contents of our well-known on-site seminars. The seminars, held in English or German language, discuss CAN and CANopen in depth including CAN FD and CANopen FD. Additionally an outlook e.g. to CAN XL is provided.
In the CAN online seminar, attendees learn the CAN principles, the differences between Classical CAN and CAN FD, which possibilities CAN communication offers and in which markets CAN is used. The event explains CAN as it is specified in ISO 11898-1:2015. This comprises the Classical CAN, the CAN FD protocol, as well as the CAN physical layer standards.
During the CANopen online seminar, participants learn the basic principles of CANopen, as specified in CiA 301. Furthermore, CANopen additional application layer functions as well as the basic principles of CANopen profiles are introduced. Additionally, attendees get an insight to the new CANopen FD protocol, according to CiA 1301. The seminar enables to select the right CANopen device for individual applications, to integrate devices in a proper control application, or to design the intended CANopen device behavior. In addition, there is enabled to assess the possibilities and effort to introduce CANopen FD in own projects.
The seminars’ target groups are system integrators, development engineers, and technical decision-makers.