DFI Tablets Blissfully Load a Bus
August 17, 2023

Taoyuan City. Taiwan. The Taoyuan City Government Department of Transportation, with the help of DFI, created a path forward for rural transportation aptly named the Blissful Bus transformation project. The group ventured to remote populations and developed a solution that helps residents decrease time with a much more effective management platform, to get from point A to point B.
Once the needs of the local governments and population were finialized, DFI delivered touchscreen tablets including Maxwin Technology's fleet management system integrated to reform a nine-seater bus into Blissful Bus with fixed point stations and flexible reservation functions.
The touchscreens provided by DFI includes support for a vast temperature and voltage range. Anti-vibration is added, enabling an efficient flow of data even in extreme environments. Real-time information is provided by Maxwin's fleet management system allowing for reservations by phone, website, or LINE.
A decrease in the rate of vacancies and an increase in efficient operation on the bus and route, will provide a move toward the sustainable vision of global energy saving.
At this year’s TSAA Taiwan Sustainability Action Awards, DFI was recognized with the gold award from the Taiwan Institute for Sustainable Energy (TAISE). The goal of the TSAA is to realize and move toward implementing the 17 sustainable development goals (SDG) that were conceived by the United Nations.
DFI President Alexander Su received the award said, "The most important mission is for enterprises to pursue the progress of products and technologies to help improve quality of life and promote sustainable development. Having the opportunity to participate in creating Blissful Bus, helping to solve the transportation problems of residents, and allowing families to reunite make this award truly meaningful."
For more information, visit dfi.com.