Media 2.0
October 01, 2008

To reflect our expanding range of services, OpenSystems Publishing has changed its name to OpenSystems Media, a title that more accurately conveys the...
Those of you following the presidential race can't help but be inundated with talk about change. The world is all about change, about evolution, the process whereby something gradually develops into a more complex and hopefully better form.
OpenSystems Publishing, publisher of Embedded Computing Design and other related magazines, is evolving as new technologies have enabled us to communicate faster and more effectively. We have increased the amount of our electronic coverage to satisfy your thirst for receiving information in digital formats. We have added more video and audio content to everything from E-casts to E-letters to a shared video library.
To reflect our expanding range of services, OpenSystems Publishing has changed its name to OpenSystems Media, a title that more accurately conveys the message of what we do - produce and distribute informative, compelling material using an array of communication channels well suited for today's fast-moving world.
OpenSystems Media is dedicated to developing effective and measurable communication channels while continuing to deliver deep technical content. Our industry-leading editors have an insatiable desire to find new print and online opportunities across vertical and horizontal markets in the embedded computing industry.
In an effort to extend our reach to target audiences, OpenSystems Media is launching two new online offerings: Hypermags, wide-screen formatted digital magazines that offer more interactive content, and Hyperguides, directories that display detailed views of products listed in our online product database.
As editors, we are always looking for the next wave of technology. We will continue to bring you the latest information in formats that meet your evolving needs and keep searching for innovations that help us improve communication.
Whether it is print or digital, content that is edited and produced is easier to read and comprehend. This editorial process is still in place and will likely remain relatively unchanged in coming years. What is changing is the method of delivery, as digital now dominates the marketplace. Within the next few years or months, perhaps one of you innovators will perfect digital reader technology, giving us the best of both the print and digital worlds. For a preview, check out to see the Plastic Logic reader featured at DEMO 2008. All that's missing is color!
We recently published our editorial calendars for 2009, and I think we've got an exciting list of topics to cover next year. I always keep an eye out for interviews and contributed articles on these and any other appropriate topics. Your suggestions help us improve the quality of our material and how we deliver that material.
In this issue, we touch on a topic very near and dear to my heart: the basic challenge of understanding what the market really wants. I have spent most of my professional career trying to understand market problems and converting that information into market requirements that design engineers can use to define and develop a product or service. I've had many successes and even more failures. From my years of experience, I've learned the importance of making sure you're on the same wavelength as your existing and potential customers so that you can solve the day-to-day problems they face.
E-mail your comments or visit our blog at
Jerry Gipper, Editorial Director