FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage Rebrands to Take It to the Next-Generation

By Chad Cox

Production Editor

Embedded Computing Design

June 11, 2024


FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage Rebrands to Take It to the Next-Generation
Image Credit: Future Memory Summit

Santa Clara, California. Future Memory Summit is excited to introduce its transformation into FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage. According to FMS, the rebranding marks a substantial expansion beyond general flash memory to include all volatile and persistent memory within storage applications.

“Over the past few years, we have welcomed storage and related applications to FMS and the event has grown,” said Kat Pate, CEO, FMS. “We are pleased to make it official by rebranding the event. We know this change will bring continued growth for FMS and we look forward to welcoming new companies.”

Key Highlights of the Rebranding:

  • Inclusive Storage Applications:

    • The conference and exhibition will expand to cover a diverse array of storage applications, incorporating not only flash memory but also cutting-edge memory technologies that are key to the storage ecosystem.
  • Focus on Artificial Intelligence:

    • With AI driving industry changes, FMS will feature focused sessions and discussions on the symbiotic connection between memory/storage technologies and AI applications.
  • Expanded Networking Opportunities:

    • Attendees can anticipate networking opportunities with professionals, analysts, media, and industry leaders from diverse storage-related industries, nurturing collaboration and innovation.
  • Cutting-edge Solutions Showcase:

    • The event will feature the most recent products and solutions in memory and storage, giving visitors a preview of future trends and technological innovations.
  • Thought Leadership:

    • Leading specialists will deliver keynote addresses and engage in panel discussions, sharing valuable perspectives on the changing landscape of memory and storage technologies.

FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage invites all stakeholders, from industry professionals to academics, to join this transformative journey and explore the limitless possibilities that the convergence of memory and storage brings to the forefront.

FMS: the Future of Memory and Storage

Date: August 6-8, 2024

For more inforamtion, visit


Chad Cox. Production Editor, Embedded Computing Design, has responsibilities that include handling the news cycle, newsletters, social media, and advertising. Chad graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.A. in Cultural and Analytical Literature.

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