Be Digilent With a Pocket-Sized AD3 Test & Measurement Device
June 28, 2023

Pullman, Washington. Digilent commercially launched its Analog Discovery 3 (AD3), the third of Digilent’s Analog Discovery lineup of versatile on-the-go testing and measurement devices supporting USB-C. The AD3 has an amplified buffer size and expands data transmissions via waveform generator and improved reception via the mixed-signal oscilloscope. AWG phase modulation, summation, and internal loopback aid in increasing performance.
Digilent's WaveForms software is the soul of the AD3, though do not exclude the hardware and design upgrades delivering a refined interface and precise measurements. AD3 improves filtering capabilities and adds a seamless expansion of various future tools for tthe WaveForm environment.
The power supplies provides a maximum of 800 mA and even with its pocket portability, the AD3 delivers a sampling rate up to 125 MS/s. Digilent’s General Manager Steve Johnson said, “We’re finding that its utility isn’t limited to just traditional electrical engineers; we’ve heard positive reviews from civil, biomedical, mechanical, and other disciplines as well.
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