Rohde & Schwarz Introduces R&S VSESIM-VSS that Combines EDA Simulation with Hardware Testing
September 09, 2021

Rohde & Schwarz and Cadence collaborated on a solution to simplify the engineering process from RF design to implementation and enhance accuracy by using realistic signals for both simulation and testing. The R&S VSESIM-VSS signal creation and analysis tool speeds up the development process for RF components. It is useful for customers in the wireless, automotive, and aerospace and defense industries, as well as for manufacturers of active components and systems.
New wireless and satellite technologies offer wider frequency ranges and involve increasingly demanding requirements. Realistic signal simulation at the early stages in RF system design is more important than ever. Using the same signal creation methods and analysis algorithms as for subsequent hardware testing enables direct result correlation from the early design stages to implementation verification, allowing conclusive and consistent analysis of widely used key performance indicators such as error vector magnitude (EVM).
To this end, Rohde & Schwarz has collaborated with Cadence Design Systems, Inc. to develop the R&S VSESIM-VSS signal creation and analysis tool, which supports major standards such as 5G, the latest Wi-Fi evolutions, and more. The joint solution combines signal generation, design simulation and signal analysis.
The R&S VSESIM-VSS signal creation and analysis tool functions as an addition to the Cadence® Visual System Simulator™ (VSS) software, a solution for system simulation and modeling, particularly for RF components and RF assemblies used in wireless communications and radar design. R&S VSESIM-VSS from Rohde & Schwarz is designed to expand the capabilities of the VSS software by adding realistic signals to the workflow, increasing simulation accuracy, and simplifying the design process. R&S VSESIM-VSS benefits from two established software tools from Rohde & Schwarz for testing operative circuits, modules, and devices — the signal generation capabilities of the R&S WinIQSIM2 simulation software and the signal analysis capabilities of the R&S VSE vector signal explorer software. R&S VSESIM-VSS combines these functions and adds plug-ins for Cadence electronic design automation (EDA) tools.
The data sink plug-in from Rohde & Schwarz provides access to the signal at any point in the design process. The signal can be transferred to a vector signal generator and applied to available hardware, enabling system level analysis of hybrid hardware/simulated implementations. An important feature of R&S VSESIM-VSS is support of direct digital predistortion (DPD) techniques to verify the effects of linearization already in the simulation phase of power amplifier development.
An added benefit of combining the solutions is increased compatibility between Rohde & Schwarz and Cadence tools. Signal generation and analysis provided by the Rohde & Schwarz solutions can also be used in other connected Cadence products such as the Cadence Microwave Office® circuit design software or the Cadence Virtuoso® RF Solution for radio-frequency integrated circuits (RFIC) and RF modules.
For more information, visit Rohde & Schwarz.