High Performance Edge Computing for Real Time Decision Making

May 05, 2020


High Performance Edge Computing for Real Time Decision Making

Edge computing enhanced with HPC capabilities, such as deploying rugged AI on the Fly? systems at the edge from OSS powered by NVIDIA V100S GPUs will allow companies to overcome the performance...

Increasingly businesses across multiple industries will embrace high performance edge computing to fulfill the demand for processing locally sourced digital data to drive precise real time decision making.

Edge computing enhanced with HPC capabilities, such as deploying rugged AI on the Fly® systems at the edge from One Stop Systems (onestopsystems.com) powered by NVIDIA V100S GPUs, will let many companies overcome the performance, latency, and security challenges that occur when remote locations rely on traditional data center or cloud computing models.

In this article PureB2B explores the underlying market trends and unique requirements driven by this imperative to create actionable intelligence at the edge.

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