Road to embedded world '23: Valbonne, France, Menta
March 01, 2023

Menta will be located in hall 4 booth 462 demonstrating its eFPGA IP for integration into SoC/ASIC. Menta is the proven eFPGA pioneer whose design-adaptive 100% third-party standard cells-based architecture and state-of-the-art tool set provides the highest degree of design customization, best-in-class testability, and fastest time-to-volume for SoC design targeting any production node at any foundry.
Menta utilizes a standard-cell based approach enabling engineers to rapidly port the eFPGA to whatever new process geometry/variant they need – Even in industrial and rad-hard grade versions.
The eFPGA solution allows hardware to be reconfigured in the field, after manufacturing, giving end products more upgradeability and longer life cycles. Menta also provides eFPGA as Soft RTL IP.
The IP hardening is then done by the customer. Menta released the first eFPGA soft IP in the semiconductor Market, and it’s compatible with any standard EDA tool flow. Menta is offering one more layer of Design flexibility and SoC customization, a soft IP which can be implemented in any technology node. With eFPGA IP solution, Menta is answering customer requirements and is “accelerating” the implementation flow.
Menta IPs are fully verifiable within customer EDA environment, and are designed to address various markets and applications: Artificial Intelligence, Machine Learning, Cryptography or Telecommunication algorithms, for example.
For more information, download the datasheet here.
For more information on all of Menta's solutions, visit