SYSGO and CoreAVI Collaborate to Support Arm's Cortex-A72-based CPU
March 26, 2020

SYSGO and CoreAVI Collaborate to Support Arm's Cortex-A72-based CPU for Next Generation Safety Critical Compute and Graphics Systems.
Core Avionics and SYSGO announced their collaboration to support Arm's Cortex-A72-based CPU for next generation safety critical graphics and compute applications. CoreAVI and SYSGO will work together to ensure the interoperability of CoreAVI's new COTS-D 3U VPX NXP LX2160A-based SBC0003 Single Board Computer hardware design IP with SYSGO's safety critical PikeOS RTOS.
In addition, CoreAVI will facilitate the support of its AMD E9171 COTS-D GPU hardware IP modules, and VkCore SC Vulkan graphics and compute driver portfolio to function in conjunction with PikeOS RTOS.
PikeOS is a real-time operating system including a hypervisor-based kernel designed for the highest levels of safety and security. The PikeOS technology has been certified on a wide range of projects by various certification standards including DO-178B/C, IEC 61508, EN 50128, IEC 62304 and ISO 26262.
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