Altair, LG Electronics Collaborate to Accelerate Digital Transformation
July 19, 2022

Altair, a computational science and artificial intelligence (AI) company, recently signed a memorandum of understanding with LG Electronics (LG) to accelerate the digital transformation of product development.
Together, Altair and LG will promote research and development and the construction of a simulation platform. The two companies will share information in priority fields of research, including computer-aided engineering (CAE), data analytics, automation, and more.
In addition, the two companies plan to build a more advanced digital transformation development environment by integrating LG’s product development technology with Altair’s simulation and AI technology. Together, the companies will cooperate on CAE/automation platform development and digital twin technology, which LG uses to develop products.
By building a digital development environment using AI-based simulation technology, it’s possible to minimize the need for physical testing in the product development stage and reflect feedback gleaned from data analytics and optimization technology.
For more information, visit Altair.