Industrial Internet Consortium Updates Industrial Internet Vocabulary Technical Report
November 07, 2019

The report provides a common set of definitions for IIoT terms for anyone working in IIoT across a wide range of industries.
The Industrial Internet Consortium (IIC), announced V2.2 of the Industrial Internet Vocabulary Technical Report, one of six IIC technical reports that serve as IIoT industry guidelines on vocabulary, architectures, security, analytics, connectivity and business strategy. The report provides a common set of definitions for IIoT terms for anyone working in IIoT across a wide range of industries. IIC vocabulary definitions can be replaced for their defining term to ensure clarity for all readers.
The new report includes a new definition for digital twin and eliminates virtual entity in favor of digital representation. Other terms added to the report include physical entity and physical entity of interest, describing a physical object such as factory equipment that could be monitored or that is already being monitored by an IoT system. IoT sensor and IoT actuator were also added – both IoT devices but with dissimilar definitions.
The IIC will continue to revise the IIC IIoT Vocabulary Technical Report with definitions for new IIoT terms.
For more information, please visit. IIC website.