Gumstix Expands Raspberry Pi Support
October 24, 2017

Three new expansion boards supporting the Raspberry Pi Compute Module and Compute Module 3 now available including the Gumstix Pi Stepper HAT, the Gumstix Pi Newgate, and the Gumstix Pi Conduit PoE,
REDWOOD CITY, CA. October, 2017— Gumstix®, Inc., the leader in design-to-order embedded systems, announces the release of three new expansion boards compatible with Raspberry Pi and RPi Compute Module and a new Power over the Ethernet (PoE) module in Geppetto® D2O. In addition, Gumstix now provides custom Yocto Linux disk images (Morty), curated to provide complete support for Gumstix Pi HATs and Compute Module carrier boards
Three new expansion boards supporting the Raspberry Pi® Compute Module and Compute Module 3 release today: the Gumstix Pi Stepper HAT, the Gumstix Pi Newgate, and the Gumstix Pi Conduit PoE,
The Gumstix Pi Stepper HAT ($35.00) provides rotational accuracy below a tenth of a degree by way of the TI DRV8846, a 4 - 18V, 1.4A stepper motor driver with 1/32 microstepping, for high-resolution control of 4-wire stepper motors on any Raspberry Pi®.
The Gumstix Pi Newgate ($85.00) breakout board lays out every feature of the Raspberry Pi® Compute Module and Compute Module 3. Easily monitor digital, analog, and differential signals via 0.1"-pitch pins. The headers on each side of the board provide 3 terminals for each pin of the 200-pin SODIMM connector, and a USB-microB connector provides a UART console connection.A set of level shifters accommodate 3.3 and 1.8 volt logic levels for peripheral devices.
The Gumstix Pi Conduit PoE ($150.00) adds the versatility of power-over-Ethernet (PoE) to your LoRa gateway. The Raspberry Pi® Compute Module(*not included*), RisingHF RHF0M301 LoRa® gateway/concentrator module (*not included*), and the Pi Conduit PoE development board come together to deliver LoRaWAN connectivity where conventional power delivery can not connect.
In addition, two Power over Ethernet (PoE) modules are now available in Geppetto D2O. The Gigabit With PoE module delivers Gigabit speed to COMs and SoCs supporting native Ethernet while the Gigabit with PoE over USB module provides 10/100/1000 Ethernet using a USB to Ethernet controller chip to your processor of choice. These modules can be used to build custom PoE-powered boards for Raspberry Pi or any of the Processors and COMs in the Geppetto library.
The custom Yocto Linux build for Raspberry PI from Gumstix means embedded systems are no longer constrained by Raspbian. The custom Yocto image ensures that the latest drivers, apps and kernel features are at a developer’s fingertips in a fast, lightweight, and developer-friendly OS. Drivers for modules found in the Geppetto D2O module library, helpful scripts and apps from Gumstix engineers, and systemd services for compatible hardware are incorporated into the build. Gumstix’ Smart repository provides a wide variety of RPM packages for easy installation. The Gumstix Yocto Linux downloads are available on applicable product pages under the software tab. The full line of Gumstix Pi products and support are available at
About Gumstix, Inc.
As a global leader in design-to-order hardware and manufacturing solutions. Gumstix® gives its customers the power to solve their electronic design challenges with Geppetto® D2O -- the online design-to-order system-- and a broad portfolio of small computers and embedded boards. In addition to engineers and industrial designers, Gumstix® helps students, educators, and makers unlock their creative ideas to bring them to market. Since pioneering the concept of an extremely small computer-on-module (COM) with a full implementation of Linux in 2003, the company has grown to support over 20,000 diverse customers. Gumstix systems have launched some of the world’s coolest products - from phones to drones - on commercial, university, and hobbyist workbenches in over 45 countries. For more information, visit