FTDI Chip Honors Digi-Key with Distribution Award
October 22, 2020
Press Release

Leading vendor of advanced USB connectivity ICs/modules FTDI Chip has made Digi-Key Electronics the recipient of its 2020 global distribution award.
Leading vendor of advanced USB connectivity ICs/modules FTDI Chip has made Digi-Key Electronics the recipient of its 2020 global distribution award. The supply chain specialist has been recognised for significantly increasing sales revenue over the last twelve months, in particular within new and emerging market sectors, as well as maintaining exceptional levels of customer service.
The award, which is decided on by examining various performance metrics, underlines the important and longstanding distribution partnership between the two organisations. Complementing FTDI Chip's direct sales network, Digi-Key has leveraged its strong global logistics channels to bring commercial growth plus an expansion of the customer base across the key Asian, European and North American regions. Through a commitment to comprehensive product listings, the distributor has been able to offer a full range of FTDI Chip's silicon solutions, along with evaluation modules and development hardware, including its latest USB power delivery ICs.
"It is a real pleasure to present this award to Digi-Key, in recognition of the company's operational and organisational achievements in bringing FTDI Chip's products to a greater worldwide audience. The team's rapid order fulfilment, coupled with first-class technical support, has provided the highest degrees of service to our clients," states Fred Dart, CEO and founder of FTDI Chip.
For more information, visit: https://www.digikey.com/en/supplier-centers/future-technology-devices-intl