Road to embedded world North America: PLS Showcases its UDE Universal Debug Engine - Take Debug, Trace, and Test to the Next Level
September 25, 2024
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Meet the experts for debugging, trace and test at the booth of PLS Development Tools at the embedded world North America. At booth 1927, you can explore the UDE Universal Debug Engine, the powerful incredibly easy-to-use and convenient debug and trace tool for multicore microcontrollers and embedded processors from Infineon, NXP, STMicroelectronics, Renesas, Texas Instruments, Synopsys and more.
Booth Highlights and Demos
At the booth, PLS will demonstrate cutting edge multicore debugging, trace-based runtime analysis, and test for the latest automotive microcontrollers and processors, including Infineon's AURIX and NXP's S32 Automotive Platform. Our demos show the most important key features of UDE:
Real multicore debugging
UDE is the perfect development tool for debugging heterogeneous multi-core systems. It combines an easy-to-use user interface with powerful debug functions such as debug synchronization or multi-core breakpoints.
Trace-based debugging and system analysis
UDE trace support provides advanced capabilities for analyzing and visualizing trace data for detailed system insight.
Trace-based profiling helps developers identify bottlenecks in the target application. Timing can be measured as accurately as possible.
Non-intrusive Code Coverage based on captured trace information can be used to verify the quality of test cases. This is especially useful when the code under test must not be instrumented.
The unique UDE SimplyTrace® feature is the most convenient way to analyze the runtime behavior of embedded software using trace. For everyday trace tasks, UDE SimplyTrace® makes the often complex configuration of the microcontroller's trace system as easy as possible. Trace functions taken from typical use cases are context-sensitive and attached to the different debugger views. For example, the use cases "trace from source line" or "trace to source line" can be configured as easily as setting a breakpoint.
UDE AUTOSAR support provides dedicated functions for the development and runtime analysis of AUTOSAR-compliant software and supports the new AUTOSAR Runtime Interface (ARTI). The execution of tasks and runnables can be monitored over time using the microcontroller trace system. Based on the captured trace information, task execution over time can be visualized.
UDE Automation
UDE provides an open and flexible software API – UDE Object Model – for scripting, debug and test automation as well as integration with third-party tools. UDE is the perfect player in software development tool chains, automated test environments and continuous integration solutions.
The PLS team is looking forward to discuss your needs and challenges related to safety and security in automotive and industrial embedded applications.
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