Arduino PRO Industrial Kits Available Only from Newark

By Chad Cox

Production Editor

Embedded Computing Design

July 29, 2024


Arduino PRO Industrial Kits Available Only from Newark
Image Credit: Newark

Chicago, Illinois. Innovative Arduino PRO industrial kits are available exclusively from Newark and Avnet. The kits are developed to aid professionals and hobbyists in meeting challenges associated with the advance development of specialized projects. The Arduino PRO offers tools such as advanced microcontrollers, sensors, and actuators.

Arduino zero-touch facilitates seamless deployment and remote management of projects. For up to date and secure applications, over-the-air firmware updates and a secure on-board element are supported.

Romain Soreau, Head of Single Board Computing (SBC) category at Newark, offered, “These user-friendly kits provide everything needed to explore specific industry applications, from smart factories to connected agriculture. By leveraging the vast library of Arduino software and seamless integration with third-party solutions for AI transformation, Pro Kits unlock a world of creative possibilities.”

Arduino Pro Kits:

Arduino Pro Industrial Automation and Lighting Kit

  • Micro PLC programming environment, industrial communication protocols, and control applications

Arduino Smart Industry OEM Condition Monitoring Kit

  • Utilizes the Portenta Machine Control’s resources with three temperature inputs for Thermocouples J/K and RTD PT100

Arduino Pro Edge AI/ML Vision and Speech Kit

  • Leverages edge AI tools remotely via Arduino Cloud using Arduino C++ programming

 Smart Industry Predictive Maintenance Kit

  • Design automation systems able to recognize voice commands and sensing environmental data to initiate processes

Pro Smart Industry Prototyping Kit

  • A platform showcasing practical knowledge employing industry-standard tools including Linux OS, LoRa connectivity, and communication protocols

Keith Jackson, Marketing Manager, Arduino, says “Our Arduino Pro kits showcase the best of our Arduino technologies in a suitable package for a range of application areas. We’re pleased to be working with renowned distributors Newark and Avnet to offer these kits to the market exclusively through them.”

For more information, visit

Chad Cox. Production Editor, Embedded Computing Design, has responsibilities that include handling the news cycle, newsletters, social media, and advertising. Chad graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.A. in Cultural and Analytical Literature.

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