CELUS Eases Electronic Design

By Chad Cox

Production Editor

Embedded Computing Design

August 28, 2024


CELUS Eases Electronic Design
Image Credit: CELUS

Identifying the right components for projects can be both overwhelming and time-consuming. To reduce this burden, the CELUS Design Platform simplifies the design process and offers real-time, reliable component recommendations. According to CELUS, it revolutionizes electronics design by converting technical requirements into schematic prototypes within an hour. The solution speeds up the design process, allowing developers to bring innovative electronics concepts to life.

Featuring products on the CELUS Design Platform, component suppliers can now simply connect with engineers leading to faster market entry and expanded reach.

With projects typically involving 200 to 1,000 individual components, CELUS’ engineering tool simplifies the complexities of electronic design and shortens time to market for new products.

By carefully balancing functional requirements with electrical, environmental, mechanical, and cost constraints, the CELUS Design Platform selects the optimal components and provides deliverables such as architectural designs, ECAD-native schematics, bills of materials, footprints, and project summaries.

“With more than 600 million components available to electronics designers, the task of identifying and selecting the ones right for any given project is at best a challenge,” said Tobias Pohl, co-founder and CEO of CELUS. “We developed the CELUS Design Platform to handle the heavy lifting and intricate details of product design to drive innovation and expand demand creation in a fraction of the time required of traditional approaches. We were told that such a system was impossible, but we did it and are now expanding its reach to end users and component suppliers around the world.”

For more information, visit celus.io.

Chad Cox. Production Editor, Embedded Computing Design, has responsibilities that include handling the news cycle, newsletters, social media, and advertising. Chad graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.A. in Cultural and Analytical Literature.

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