Embedded Executive: We Need People Who Can Write Quality Firmware, USA Firmware - Podcast
December 13, 2023When it comes to writing code, we have a manpower problem. While that’s true for most aspects of the embedded engineering/development space, it’s particularly true for those folks writing firmware, which is one of the most critical, yet least glamorous parts of our profession. What’s the solution? Is it AI, to have the code written for us? That’s one of the potential solutions. Listen to a few more in this week’s Embedded Executives podcast with Bill Merkel, Vice President of Business Development at USA Firmware.
DevTalk with Rich and Vin: Do Engineers Understand the Basics of Engineering? - Podcast
December 07, 2023When content gets posted to Embedded Computing Design that’s latest “The Basics of …” or “XYZ 101,” the content usually gets tons of page views. I always wondered why that was the case. Are our engineers not as knowledgeable as we think? Are they just checking to make sure their assumptions are correct? I decided this would be a good topic for Vin, who teaches classes in some of these basics. Check out this edition of DevTalk with Rich and Vin to see the response.
Embedded Executive: The Ecosystem For AI Is Ready, Renesas - Podcast
December 06, 2023When it comes to the ecosystem, particularly around AI, you need all the parts to be available if you want to develop a system. We know that ecosystems forever continue to evolve, but it’s safe to dive into the waters at this point, according to Mohammed Dogar, the Vice President and Head of Global Business Development and Ecosystem at Renesas Electronics. In this week’s Embedded Executive podcast, we discuss, among other things, how the AI ecosystem has evolved, and what users can expect at this point.
Embedded Executive: Wearable Medical Could Be 100M MCUs, Silicon Labs - Podcast
November 29, 2023Wearable medical devices are poised to take off. I mean, really take off, thanks to a few different drivers, such as the aging population, the pandemic, and some concessions from the insurance companies.
Designing Low-Power HMIs Just Got Easier - Product
November 27, 2023There’s a lot going on in the background of your design. In fact, in most cases, 90% (or more) of the development time is spent on things other than the HMI. However, it’s that HMI that gets all the attention because it’s the part of the design that the end user actually sees and interacts with.
It’s No Secret That AI Is Hard - Story
November 15, 2023Admit it—you’re confused by all the “information” that’s circulating regarding how to design a system with AI. The first thing that must be clear is this: you are not designing an AI system.
Embedded Executive: Latest PSoC Simplifies Power Management, Infineon - Podcast
November 15, 2023Developers struggle with how to manage the power in their end devices. There’s obviously a tradeoff between performance and how much/how long to keep components powered up. It’s obviously application-specific, but it’s important to make the right decision.
NXP’s Top-Side Cooling Helps Shrink 5G Radios - Blog
November 13, 2023It’s the little things in life, right? In the case of NXP’s new top-side cooling for RF power, that’s exactly right.
Embedded Executive: While Embedded Technology Progresses Slowly, Security Moves Super-Fast, Infineon Technologies - Podcast
November 08, 2023We talk about security a lot here at Embedded Computing Design. If it’s not the number one subject, it’s certainly in the top three.
Video Blog with Infineon Americas President Maher Matta - Podcast
November 03, 2023Infineon recently held its annual OktoberTech event, where it showcased the company’s vast array of technologies as well as those of its customers. Embedded Computing Design’s Rich Nass sat down with Infineon Americas President Maher Matta to discuss things like sustainability, how to deal with such a wide range of products, and the need for an event like OktoberTech.
Tear Down: Redmi Watch 3 - Blog
November 01, 2023The Redmi design team was able to capture small size and long run times with minimal BOM.
Embedded Executive: We Have an Engineering Shortage - Podcast
November 01, 2023We have an engineering shortage. Anyone who's familiar with our space wouldn't dispute that. And if you look at the projections, we’re going to need a whole lot more of us going forward. Why is that the case, and more importantly, what are we going to do about it?
Embedded Executive: The CHIPS Act, Take II, PQSecure - Podcast
October 25, 2023Quantum computing raises the potential for anything to be hacked, and that includes government systems. Hence, the people behind the CHIPS Act want to make sure that the money that’s used for semiconductor development is being used in the areas that it deems most important.
Embedded Executive: Quantum Computing Is Here Today, Really. Oxford Ionics - Podcast
October 18, 2023Quantum computing can be a very complex area. Many experts will tell you that it could be as long as a decade before quantum computers actually appear on the scenes.
Embedded Executive: 5G For Industrial? No Time Soon, Sequans - Podcast
October 11, 2023If you’re a consumer, 5G is likely in your universe. If you’re working on the industrial side, you’re likely not seeing 5G at all. And it may be many years before it’s even available in limited deployments. Why is that? That’s the question I asked of Olivier Pauzet, the EVP of Strategy for Sequans Communications in this week’s Embedded Executives podcast.
DevTalk with Rich and Vin: Practical Applications For AI - Podcast
October 11, 2023Are you wondering what would be considered a practical application for AI at the endpoint (the place where the data is captured)? Well, you’re in luck, because Rich is moderating a panel at Renesas’ AI Live virtual conference that specifically covers that topic.
Embedded Executive: What Is STMicroelectronics Doing About Sustainability? - Podcast
October 04, 2023Sustainability continues to be a topic of interest. First, what does sustainability actually mean? Second, what are some of the industry giants doing about it?
Steps To Implementing WoA on Advantech Hardware - Story
October 03, 2023In the first of this on-going blog series, we explained why a developer should consider implementing Windows on Arm (WoA), and in Part II, we talked about why you should be implementing Windows on Arm using Advantech hardware. Here in Part III, we’ll talk about the steps you should take to actually deploy Windows IoT on Advantech Arm-based hardware.
Embedded Executive: Get Your AI Platform Out the Door, SparkCognition - Podcast
September 27, 2023Bringing all the different elements together for an AI-based hardware platform is harder than it sounds, especially when you start considering the environmental conditions. Getting it to work in the lab is one thing, but the real world presents challenges you may not have thought of.
AIoT: A Difficult, But Important Marriage of Technologies - Blog
September 22, 2023When it comes to AIoT, some of the terms and techniques you’ll need to familiarize yourself with include Edge computing, machine learning (ML), TinyML, anomaly detection, natural language processing, computer vision, and predictive maintenance.