Production Editor

Embedded Computing Design

Chad Cox. Production Editor, Embedded Computing Design, has responsibilities that include handling the news cycle, newsletters, social media, and advertising. Chad graduated from the University of Cincinnati with a B.A. in Cultural and Analytical Literature.

Articles 941 - 960
Analog & Power

How ADI Connects a Precision Medium Bandwidth Signal Chain Platform to Your Sensors - News

December 22, 2022

Wilmington, MA / Munich, Germany. Analog Devices, Inc. (ADI) introduced a flexible precision medium bandwidth signal chain solution to optimize performance of signal bandwidths of DC to roughly 500kHz. ADI includes a library of development tools like LTspice simulations.

Analog & Power

STMicroelectronics Releases a Digital Power Combination Controller - News

December 22, 2022

Geneva. STMicroelectronics’ STNRG011A digital power combination controller for 90W to 300W power supplies showcases improved overload management, power-factor correction (PFC) controller, LLC resonant half-bridge controller, 800V startup circuitry, and supervisory engine.

AI & Machine Learning

CES 2023: intoPIX is Bringing its TicoRAW Technology - News

December 22, 2022

Mont-Saint-Guibert, Belgium. intoPIX will showcase its TicoRAW at CES 2023. The TicoRAW is a simple optimized RAW codec for the reduction of components’ power consumption, raw transfer bandwidth, and storage, to maintain high image quality. TicoRAW was designed to target cameras, sensors, and mobile devices.

Software & OS

SEGGER Ratifies its Embedded Studio Libraries - News

December 21, 2022

SEGGER released its revised Embedded Studio including source code and on-demand design of the integrated C runtime library, emRun, and C++ library, emRun++. "Embedded Studio automatically fine-tunes emRun and emRun++ for size-optimized code or speed-optimized code or a balance of both, to fit the needs of most developers,” says Rolf Segger, founder of SEGGER.


Get a Sneak Peek at Socionext's Booth Before CES 2023 - News

December 21, 2022

MILPITAS, Calif. Socionext Inc. will be attending CES to highlight its automotive custom SoC technologies developed to assist automakers and OEMs in accomplishing proprietorship of essential differing innovations for edge performance. The SoCs are ideal for solutions requiring ADAS sensors, central computing, networking, in-cabin monitoring, satellite connectivity, and infotainment.


Safe and Precise ASIL Positioning Engine - News

December 21, 2022

SAN FRANCISCO. Point One Navigation released its FusionEngine software, an ASIL-rated locality platform for Automotive solutions including compatibility with ST’s TeseoAPP (Teseo ASIL Precise Positioning) GNSS Chipset. ST’s TeseoAPP receiver and the STA5365S combine for front-end dual band specific natural measurement data for GNSS satellites to the host processor. At this time is where Point One’s FusionEngine is utilized.

Software & OS

CISQ Issues its Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US: A 2022 Report - News

December 20, 2022

BOSTON, MA. The Consortium for Information & Software Quality (CISQ) issued the Cost of Poor Software Quality in the US: A 2022 Report. In its report, CISQ discovered weak software performance in the US is now costing companies $2.41 trillion, while the technical debt (the cost of reworking suboptimal software) of the accumulated software has risen around $1.52 trillion.


Li Auto and Melexis Collaborate on a TOF In-Car Gesture Control - News

December 20, 2022

Tessenderlo, Belgium. Li Auto Inc. has designated the MLX75027 3D qualified VGA resolution time-of-flight (ToF) sensor for its infotainment system in the Li L7, L8, L9, and Li One SUV models. The Melexis MLX75027 utilizes a 3D camera at the center of the platform and leverages 307, 200 pixels of genuine VGA resolution. Li Auto commented on this development: “We chose the MLX75027 for its excellent performance and quality, consistent with our vision to enhance the interior environment as a comfortable and convenient home on wheels.”

Open Source

Imperas Announces Ratifications, Test Suites, and Functional Coverage Libraries for RISC-V - News

December 19, 2022

Oxford, United Kingdom. Imperas Software Ltd. revised its ImperasDV for maintaining the expansion of RISC-V verification supporting both RTL bug detection and analysis while collaborating with design flow implementation in EDA SystemVerilog environments with Cadence, Siemens EDA, and Synopsys. Imperas leverages RISC-V for its ability to be customized for specific industry needs. “RISC-V offers new freedoms in design flexibility which is driving a new wave of innovation across the semiconductor industry in almost all market segments,” said Larry Lapides, VP of Sales at Imperas Software Ltd.


The Road to embedded world '23: Tuxera, Espoo, Finland - Blog

December 19, 2022

Edgar Allan Poe once penned, "Travelling is like dreaming: the only difference is that not everyone, once awaken, can recall their dream. Whereas, everyone has a vivid memory of the trip from which he has returned. " With this in mind, let’s continue our travels on the road to embedded world 2023.

Open Source

Newark's New Kits Program Promotes STEM Education - News

December 16, 2022

Chicago. Newark will commit itself to STEM education by providing kits to students and their professors to enjoy and learn from hands-on experiences. Educators can collaborate with Newark by constructing a custom kit for students including customized classroom kits and developing single board computers. Cliff Ortmeyer, Global Head of Technical Marketing at Newark stated, “We want to encourage everyone to stretch their minds and think creatively and strategically, this starts when students are young and in the classroom.”


SEGGER Releases a True VNC Over USB - News

December 16, 2022

Monheim am Rhein, Germany. For the possibility to see and operate an integrated system vis USB, SEGGER announced its emVNC-Server (Virtual Network Computing). The general use of USB allows for the emVNC-Server to be integrated simply by connecting into an active interface opening it up to an abundance of options.


Has RDS Designed the Perfect Android Based Smart TFT Display for You? - News

December 16, 2022

Milwaukee, Wisconsin. Review Display Systems (RDS) released its 10.1-inch IPS TFT LCD smart display module, the DMG10600T101-33WTC, leveraging a Rockchip RK3288 ARM-based System on Chip (SoC) and utilizing a 32-bit Cortex A-17 core operating on Android OS.

Open Source

StarFive is Trekking toward the Expansion of the RISC-V Environment - News

December 15, 2022

RISC-V Summit, San Jose. during the RISC-V Summit 2022, StarFive Technology’s Director of Software Engineering, Chin Liang, presented on StarFice's work toward developing the next generation of the RISC-V ecosystem. In Liang’s lecture, you will learn in-depth knowledge of RISC-V architecture, tools, and Linux distribution. See how you can use the knowedge gained for solutions in your designs.

Open Source

Ventana's Veyron V1 is a RISC-V Powerhouse - News

December 15, 2022

RISC-V Summit, San Jose. Ventana Micro Systems Inc.’s founder and CEO Balaji Baktha will present Ventana’s Veyron family at his RISC-V Summit keynote address. The standards based Veyron V1 is a RISC-V processor that will come in chiplets and IP assisting in single thread performance targeting solutions for data centers, automotive, 5G, AI, and client applications.

Open Source

IAR Systems Leverages Gaisler's NOEL-V for IAR Embedded Workbench and Opens Doors into Space - News

December 15, 2022

Uppsala and Gothenburg, Sweden. IAR Systems and Gaisler are partnering on an IAR Embedded Workbench for RISC-V (IAR I-jet), a comprehensive development toolchain assisting engineers with an abundance of resources tied into one simplistic development platform. The workbench includes many debugging and assessment protocols for code and data breakpoints, as well as runtime stack analysis, call stack visualization, and code coverage analysis. The IAR I-jet is an economical debug interface with the Noel-V processor from Gaisler.

Open Source

Success Story: How RISC-V Is Enabling the Internet of Space - Story

December 14, 2022

As objects exit Earth’s atmosphere, radiation levels become increasingly destructive to both organic and inorganic materials. The latter includes electronics, which are susceptible to Gamma rays, X-rays, and other high-energy particles that can cause single event upsets (SEUs, also known as bitflips) in memory, voltage spikes in analog circuitry, and other faults that can crash programs or entire systems.

Open Source

Solid Sands Explains Qualifying C and C++ Libraries for Critical Systems - News

December 14, 2022

RISC-V Summit, San Jose. Solid Sands will be announcing it has been invited to the RISC-V community as a strategic member at the RISC-V Summit. While attending the show, industry insiders will learn Solid Sands expertise on how to qualify C and C++ standard libraries for safety-critical applications.

Open Source

Microchip Showcases PolarFire Devices for RISC-V and Space Compute Solutions - News

December 14, 2022

RISC-V Summit, San Jose. Microchip worked with NASA and the aerospace and defense industry to develop a RISC-V-based High-Performance Spaceflight Computing (HPSC) processor that is being presented at the RISC-V Summit. Microchip is also promoting its PolarFire 2 FPGA silicon platform and RISC-V-based processor subsystem with a software suite roadmap at the Summit.

Open Source

Ashling Unveils its Vitra-XS at RISC-V Summit - News

December 14, 2022

RISC-V Summit, San Jose. Ashling is showcasing its Vitra-XS, a debug and trace probe for integrated design with support for RISC-V and Arm platforms. Ashling developed the Vitra-XS to collaborate with Ashling’s RiscFree Eclipse based IDE & Debugger utilizing USB 3.0, 38-way Mictor target connector, 512 MB of on-board trace storage, RISC-V debug & trace standards E-Trace and N-Trace, and Arm CoreSight debug & trace standards SWD, DAP, ETM, PTM, STM, and CTI.

Articles 941 - 960